Fraud prevention

Cybercrime is a crime that is committed by using or against modern information and communication technology. These are:

  • Crimes in which elements of EDP are included in the offenses (computer crime),
  • Crimes in which the Internet is used to plan, prepare or carry out a crime (Internet as a tool),
  • Cases of threats to information technology. This includes all unlawful acts against the integrity, availability and authenticity of an IT infrastructure (hacking, computer sabotage, data changes, etc.)

The increasing digitisation of industry plays a vital role in business growth. But it also brings risk.

Cyber-crime targets victims from private individuals to large corporates, through various forms of phishing and illicit installations of malware. The results are lost income, reputational damage, financial loss and ransomed data.

While the majority of criminals have quite basic technical capabilities, attacks are increasingly enabled by sophisticated tools available in the online criminal marketplace. With some criminal groups even industrialising their activities, cyber-crime is evolving and growing fast.

'Ransomware' attacks have grown, leveraging threats to publish data online, or block its use. Targeted fraud is a rising cost for individuals and businesses.

We want to help you build your cybercrime knowledge. Download our Five Top Rules for reducing your risk, or read more detail on the pages below.

Online Fraud (buying and selling)

Especially online, fraudsters are trying to earn a lot of money by the good faith of others. Scammers send messages misusing the HSBC logo, trying to give the impression that you are communicating with HSBC Group employees. Under this pretext, recipients are supposed to transfer funds to fraudulent accounts.


One of the most common cyber-attacks, phishing operates through emails which are often convincing and appear to come from legitimate senders. These messages entice their targets to click on links or attachments which, in turn, facilitate theft or fraud.


Malicious software is coded with the intention of harming its target. Affecting private and corporate users alike, it can steal information, damage data, hijack website visits and spy on internet activity. Fraudulent redirection of internet banking users is an increasingly frequent form of attack.