Terms and prices

Standard FX Margins for using Auto FX convert for foreign payment transactions and security transactions.

EUR/AED 0.0125 EUR/PHP 0.45
EUR/AUD 0.005 EUR/PLN 0.02
EUR/BGN 0.006 EUR/QAR 0.035
EUR/CAD 0.004 EUR/RON 0.025
EUR/CHF 0.003 EUR/RUB 0.4
EUR/CNH 0.035 EUR/SAR 0.0125
EUR/CZK 0.12 EUR/SEK 0.03
EUR/DKK 0.02 EUR/SGD 0.007
EUR/GBP 0.0025 EUR/THB 0.30
EUR/HKD 0.025 EUR/TRY 0.15
EUR/HRK 0.06 EUR/USD 0.003
EUR/HUF 1.6 EUR/ZAR 0.08
EUR/IDR 125    
EUR/ILS 0.02    
EUR/INR 0.35    
EUR/JPY 0.5    
EUR/MXN 0.085    
EUR/MYR 0.035    
EUR/NOK 0.03    
EUR/NZD 0.0055    
EUR/PEN 0.032  

Interest rate for agreed overdrafts on private accounts

Marginal lending facility (currently 4,50 per cent) + 4.55 per cent = 9,05 per cent

Interest rate for overdrafts on private accounts not agreed to, but tolerated by the bank

(tolerated overdraft)*
Marginal lending facility (currently 4,50 per cent) + 7.55 per cent = 12,05 per cent

*Tolerated overdraft is the overdrawing of the current account temporarily tolerated by the bank without an agreed drawing line or beyond the agreed personal credit line.

We are sorry - this section is only available in German.

The following fees apply for cash withdrawals and for the usage of MasterCard and/or girocard for payments at a Point of Sale. With regard to the Cross Border Payments Regulation you can also find the percentage mark-up over the latest available euro foreign exchange reference rates issued by the European Central Bank.

Our List of Prices and Services including all fees for cards (e.g. annual fee) can be provided to you on request.

Fees for cash withdrawals

Cash withdrawals with a payment card at other Bank’s counter

At the counter
Withdrawals using of Payments service providers in the EEA of Payments service providers outside the EEA
in euros in other currencies in euros in other currencies
Debit card
€ 14.50 max. n/a n/a n/a
(Co-Brand of girocard)
€ 3.00 min.
€ 5.00 max.
€ 5.00 min.
€ 7.00 max.
€ 5.00 min.
€ 7.00 max.
€ 5.00 min.
€ 7.00 max.
Credit card
3 % € 5.00 min. 3% € 5.00 min.
Plus 1% currency conversion charge
3% € 5.00 min.
Plus 1% charge for cross border use
3% € 5.00 min.
Plus 1% currency conversion charge

* For currency conversions within EEA-currencies, the latest available euro foreign exchange reference rates issued by the European Central Bank are adducted at the date where the card is used. Currency conversions of other currencies occur to the MasterCard rate, applying at the transaction date. You can find the link to the actual rates on our website under https://www.hsbc.de/en-gb/electronic-banking-master-card

Cash withdrawals with a payment card at another Bank’s ATM

  of Payments service providers in the EEA of Payments service providers outside the EEA
Withdrawals using in euros in other currencies in euros in other currencies
If the payments service provider operating the ATM charges a direct customer fee, we will charge an additional If the payments service provider operating the ATM does not charge a direct customer fee If the payments service provider operating the ATM charges a direct customer fee, we will charge an additional If the payments service provider operating the ATM does not charge a direct customer fee If the payments service provider operating the ATM charges a direct customer fee, we will charge an additional If the payments service provider operating the ATM does not charge a direct customer fee If the payments service provider operating the ATM charges a direct customer fee, we will charge an additional If the payments service provider operating the ATM does not charge a direct customer fee
Debit card
€ 0.00 € 14.50 max. n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Debit card
(Co-Brand of girocard)
€ 0.00 2%
€ 3.00 min.
€ 5.00 max.
€ 0.00 2%
€ 5.00 min.
€ 7.00 max
€ 0.00 2%
€ 5.00 min.
€ 7.00 max
€ 0.00 2%
€ 5.00 min.
€ 7.00 max
Credit card
€ 5.00 min.
€ 5.00 min.
€ 5.00 min.
Plus 1% currency conversion charge
€ 5.00 min.
Plus 1% currency conversion charge
€ 5.00 min.
Plus 1% charge for cross-border use
€ 5.00 min.
Plus 1% charge for cross-border use
€ 5.00 min.
Plus 1% currency conversion charge
€ 5.00 min.
Plus 1% currency conversion charge

* For currency conversions within EEA-currencies, the latest available euro foreign exchange reference rates issued by the European Central Bank are adducted at the date where the card is used. Currency conversions of other currencies occur to the MasterCard rate, applying at the transaction date. You can find the link to the actual rates on our website under https://www.hsbc.de/en-gb/electronic-banking-master-card


MasterCard (Credit card)

Use of the MasterCard for payments at a Point of Sale

in euro within the EEA Free
in foreign currency within the EEA* 1% currency conversion charge
outside the EEA* 1% currency conversion charge

* For currency conversions within EEA-currencies, the latest available euro foreign exchange reference rates issued by the European Central Bank are adducted at the date where the card is used. Currency conversions of other currencies occur to the MasterCard rate, applying at the transaction date. You can find the link to the actual rates on our website under https://www.hsbc.de/en-gb/electronic-banking-master-card

girocard (debit card)

Use of the girocard card for payments at a Point of Sale

in euro within the EEA Free
in foreign currency within the EEA* 1% of the transaction volume
€ 1.00 min. and € 5.00 max.
outside the EEA* 1% of the transaction volume
€ 1.00 min. and € 5.00 max.

* For currency conversions within EEA-currencies, the latest available euro foreign exchange reference rates issued by the European Central Bank are adducted at the date where the card is used. Currency conversions of other currencies occur to the MasterCard rate, applying at the transaction date. You can find the link to the actual rates on our website under https://www.hsbc.de/en-gb/electronic-banking-master-card

EEA countries:

The current EEA countries include the EU Member States Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland (including Aland Islands), France (including French-Guyana, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Mayotte, Réunion, Saint Barthelmy, Saint Martin (french part)), Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal (including Azores and Madeira), Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain (including Canary Islands), Sweden and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (including Gibraltar) and the countries Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.